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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Microsoft XBox 360

Microsoft XBox 360

Free Image Hosting at"The next-gen console wars have begun and Microsoft has fired the first shot. With at least a seven month edge over both Sony and Nintendo, Microsoft is out extra early with their brand spanking new Xbox 360 to seize control of the market. Now, Microsoft has been very keen to take control of the gaming market ever since the release of the original Xbox in 2001. Even though they have had over 4 billion dollars in losses, they are riding out the market with iron determination.

Their second console, going by the name of the Xbox 360 (most likely because Microsoft feared looking less technological compared to Sony’s third console, the PS3), is a beast of a machine. Coming with an IBM PowerPC based "Xenon" CPU, a custom ATI R500-based "Xenos" GPU, and 512 MB of ram all tucked neatly underneath its hood, the Xbox 360 is no joke.
The Bundles

As many of you may have already heard, the Xbox 360 comes in two major bundles; The Xbox 360 Core System and the Xbox 360 Premium. Here is a comparison of both bundles:

Spec vs SystemCore SystemPremium System
Detachable Hard DriveNoYes
ControllerWired w/9ft cable2.4GHz Wireless
X-Box Live HeadsetNoYes
CablesStandard A/VComponent HD-A/V
XBox Live MembershipSilverSilver
Trial Gold MembershipOne MonthOne Month
Ethernet CableYesYes
Multimedia RemoteNoYes (Initial Shipents Only)
PriceUS$ 299.99 (AED 1100/-)US$399.99 (AED 1475/-)

Today we will be testing and reviewing the premium bundle. As can be seen from above, the Core System doesn’t offer much. Not coming equipped with a Hard Drive, an HD-AV cable, or a wireless remote, its offerings are scant. Since the Xbox 360 has undergone many internal changes it requires emulation to play the original Xbox’s games and the only way to emulate the original Xbox games is through a hard drive, which the Core System does not offer." [more]

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