Sega's Genesis/MegaDrive titles for Nintendo Revolution...

Speaking to SPOnG today, a source close to Nintendo has stated that Sega will soon announce a massive back catalogue line-up for Nintendo Revolution, with the MegaDrive leading the way on the pay-to-play service.
Our long-term, trusted source told us, under terms of strick anonymity, that Sega is 'on the brink of being in a position to announce exactly what it has agreed [with Nintendo]' with the 16-bit console's first-party catalogue to lead the way. Our source was unable to shed light on the possibility of Master System, GameGear, Mega CD, 32X and, dare we say it, Saturn games featuring on Revolution, though an announcement regarding the Genesis range will be made at E3 at the latest." [
I am not interested in Sega’s 16-bit catalogue, but I want to try some Saturn titles. I hope Nintendo does not generalize the Sega masters by original origin of release. The Japanese only Sega Saturn games are amazing!

I'm still wondering when they'll say how much these games are going to cost to download. They better keep them cheap.
Besides, with all the illegal roms floating around on the internet they are going to have to make it worth every penny spent.
Which brings up a question: will Nintendo take action against illegal rom trading? I'm sure they are doing various things currently but when the virtual console comes out, I bet they'll step this up and start shutting down all those illegal sites.