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Saturday, January 07, 2006

Burnout 360 improvements "jaw-dropping"

Burnout 360 improvements "jaw-dropping"

Free Image Hosting at"EA brought a two-level demo of Burnout Revenge for the 360 to the Dolby booth at CES this year, and Tim at Gaming Horizon claims that "the graphical improvement from the PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions is just jaw-dropping [emphasis his]." Apparently redoing the textures in HD and running the game in 720p can have quite an effect.

Other improvements cited from current-gen versions include better draw distances (to see upcoming obstacles and turns); richer, clearer explosions (always a good thing); and a higher level of immersive detail (even when taking a shortcut while flying through a building).

We hope to learn more about any new features and the game's online functionality -- including replays and highlight reels -- well before the scheduled March launch. In the meantime, you can contemplate a less gushing hands-on report from the folks at IGN to help pass the winter months (thanks to our Xbox Fanboy buddies). According to them, the 360 version is only slightly better than the current-gen one. Well, one man's wreck is another man's treasure, we always say." [link]

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