XBox PreLaunch UK Tour
1. ... played Kameo. It's a pretty obvious platformer with not very pretty art direction. Disappointing in the first two minutes, so I put it down and scratched it off my list. Harsh, eh?
2. Looked at Project Gotham Racing. Nothing new here, although very, very shiny. Gotham TV looks like it could be interesting - watching what your friends are doing. Good. We like voyeurism.
3. Poked at Dead or Alive, but the demo only allowed 2-player versus, and I was on my own. Damnit, I LOVE kicking games.
4. Played Quake 4. I hate playing FPSes with sticks. It's like controlling a particularly stupid and slow-moving robot with no peripheral vision. Lumbered about bumping into walls for a while. It's not a patch on mouse and keyboard: and this is where the Revolution could really change the system - please Nintendo, please be developing something in the FPS genre!
5. Crashed Condemned: Criminal Origins. Heh heh, woops. This game looks like it has potential (if you like films like Se7en), but there's the sticks thing again. Hmm, and the crashing." [more]