"In a story picked up from the latest Famitsu issue, IGN reports that producer Hideo Kojima has hinted towards a more... online kind of future, for the Metal Gear series. Freshly released in Japan, Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence already features an Online mode, and Kojima hopes that it will promt some kind of feedback from the people who play it:
'We would like to make a more meaningful Metal Gear Online after hearing the opinions of people who've played the Online battles in Subsistence. Years from now, we'd like to realize this on the PlayStation 3, on the Xbox 360, or maybe on the PC.'
Of course, 'years from now' we may even be hearing about a Splinter Cell Online game, which would have an obvious advantage - given that Ubisoft has already accumulated a solid experience with the multiplayer part of their Stealth-Action game. We can only hope to learn more about Kojima's online plans sooner than 'years from now'..." [link]