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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Nintendo Revolution aims to create new experiences

Nintendo Revolution aims to create new experiences

"Nintendo is aiming to create new video game experiences with its upcoming Nintendo Revolution.

The Nintendo Revolution is about creating new experiences for gamers. The most visible sign of this is its one-handed controller.

Looking like a TV remote, the controller has a built-in motion-sensor, allowing players to control the action onscreen by pointing it at their television and waving it around.

"The expectation that it is going to be a big clumsy but the moment you start using it, it is extremely precise," said Ms Robertson who recently tried a technical demonstration of the system, "It has that slight hint of magic as you point your hand at the screen and what you want to happen, happens."

Electronic Arts John Schappert agrees, "We've got hands on with the Revolution and, sure enough, the controller is revolutionary. It is a control device unlike anything else we have played before."

When Nintendo releases the "Revolution", the subject is of much speculation. However, Nintendo has told GameSHOUT that a May release is in the works, but not official. Nintendo will show off the new Revolution machine at the annual games E3 extravaganza in Los Angeles in May.

A spokesperson at Ubisoft stated that he expects Nintendo to aim for a September 2006 Nintendo Revolution launch date in the US and Japan, but fears that Europe might have to wait for the Revolution until early 2007. However, none of this is official just yet, so don't let the launch date speculations get to you." [link]

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