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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Pioneer Senior VP: 4-7 Million PlayStation 3 Consoles At Launch

Pioneer Senior VP: 4-7 Million PlayStation 3 Consoles At Launch

"In an interview posted yesterday at The Digital Bits, but conducted at this year's CES, senior VP of Pioneer Electronics Andy Parsons comments that the company is expecting between 4 and 7 million units at the launch of the PlayStation 3.

He said, 'The PS3 is launching right at the forefront of Blu-ray Disc. If Sony ships the kind of numbers we expect them to this year, that will provide a very rapid growth of players out there hungry for titles. We've been hearing between 4 and 7 million units could ship.'

It's important to take his numbers with a huge grain of salt. For starters, Parsons' comments don't specify whether he's talking about worldwide figures or simply North America. Even if those are indeed worldwide figures, the low-end of his range is still at least 1 million consoles more than the 1 million units per territory estimate currently rumored. Additionally, the interview was conducted a couple of weeks ago, potentially making his vague figures obsolete. Finally, as an exec with Pioneer he's no doubt focused more on production of the Blu-Ray drive itself, while the real factor determining PS3 supply will likely be manufacturing chip yield of the Cell processor." [link]

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