"Ok, we know that the people from Sony are very proud of their products, and that they try to promote them wherever and whever they can, but this is...well, I'd call insanity.
Thus, it seems that Sony has decided to acquire the central stand at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) that will take place in January next year in Las Vegas. Ok...that would seem rather normal...except for the fact that the stand will have 12,000 sq. feet (aprox 3660 square meters). That's a lot.
The company, according to GameMag.ru, intends to build a special platform in the middle of the expo, on which it will be able to properly boast the company's latest products, including the long-awaited Play Station 3.
Also, it seems that Gary Shapiro, the President of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), and Howard Stringer, Sony's CEO, will also make public appearances during at this stand.
Well, it seems that the company intends to put on quite a show, and who knows what cool products it has prepared to launch on that occasion." [