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Monday, January 09, 2006

Sharper than sharp, realer than real

Sharper than sharp, realer than real

"Attendees at this week's International Consumer Electronics Show caught a glimpse of the future Thursday.

And in some cases, the future looked better than life as we know it.

Take, for example, the battle raging between a pair of rival technologies vying to replace today's digital video discs with a newer, high-definition standard.

Proponents of Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD each did their best to impress the 140,000 or so tech lovers in Las Vegas, rolling out truer-than-life screenings of Hollywood hits and duds such as 'Stealth,' 'Chicken Little' and last year's big-screen version of 'The Dukes of Hazzard.'

Aided by both formats' improved abilities displayed on ultra-crisp plasma screens, Jessica Simpson never looked so good.

The big-screen version of Hollywood's latest blond bombshell wasn't the only eye-catcher on display, however." [more]

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