"NGC magazine, in their January edition, wrote that "[The Legend of Zelda:] Twilight Princess will be playable on the forthcoming Revolution using the upcoming console's unique controller." The magazine continued that "when you insert the disc into your Revolution, you'll be given the option to use the Revolution's controller, with all the advantages this will bring."
However, these claims have been proven false. Eurogamer recently interviewed a Nintendo representative, stating that the "article in the January edition of NGC Magazine is pure speculation."
The Nintendo representative continued that Nintendo has made no new announcements regarding Twilight Princess. "We can however confirm that the game is still in development and that it will launch on Nintendo GameCube in 2006."
According to Futurenet Publishing's Web
site, NGC is independent from Nintendo and wrote that "we don't copy rumours and speculation off the [I]nternet, either. Our tireless team of newshounds brings you reliable Nintendo gossip FIRST."
Eurogamer's article can be found
With development still underway, Revolution Report will bring you the latest on Nintendo's upcoming 2006 console, code-named the Nintendo Revolution." [